Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Power.  Control.  Leadership.  Superiority... Just a few ideas of what humans naturally aim for.  Whether it is within a relationship, at work, or anywhere else, genders have fought forever to gain recognition and power.  I have seen it in everyday instances throughout school and general life experiences.  Men and women refuse to generalize themselves with the "other gender".  Rather than accepting individuals for who they are, genders make moves as one. 

*If one woman earns a leading position at her work, she has made that movement for all women.  She has successfully proven that women are dominant in her workplace... but is that really true? 
*A man brutally breaks up with his girlfriend in a public place, with all his friends around.  He has proved his masculinity and that he controls the relationship... but is he really in control?

Over the years, each gender has felt they need to prove something.  Women can be strong and beautiful, while men can be intelligent and creative.  Men can learn quickly, and women can run companies.  How did this all start?  When did genders start to fight for the top?  Is it because of the past gender roles and how they suddenly changed over time?

These questions are just a few that I want to cover through my blog.  The need for power has always interested me.  Examples are found daily on television, in the papers, and as I've said, all around us.  I wish to look into how gender roles have drastically changed as we look back to the 1950s where women were all "Betty Crockers" and men "brought home the bacon", then transition into women and men today and how equality is a tough line to draw in most cases.

Equality is blurring in today's society but I want to find out about research relating to the stages genders have gone through over time, while also learning why power is so desired.  There are so many angles I see myself going in with this topic but I hope to find some answers!

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